
How to Create an Online Casino: 6 Steps to Reach Success

Hans Adrian
Hans Adrian
B2b Gambling Business Advisor & Strategist

Since gambling moves to the global network, today almost every person can create an online casino. But it is important to take into account several intricacies. In this article we will talk about the main steps towards this goal.

How to Register the Gambling Business and Obtain a License

As you know, legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits gambling. Therefore, it is necessary to choose jurisdiction, in which you are going to register your company and receive a license. We recommend you to choose between European countries and offshore zones. Before making a decision you need to analyze your financial capabilities and weigh all the pros and cons. You will have to uphold laws of the country, in which your business will be registered.

It is rather difficult to obtain a license in the European Union, since the authorized bodies will put forward inexorable demands. Entrepreneurs who only begin their business will have to pay 100 thousand euro as a nominal capital. Also the software that they will use must measure up to exacting high quality standards.

You have to pay even for filing an application. An important point: you will not have your money back in case of a refusal to issue license (the reasons for which no one is obliged to explain to you). The United Kingdom, for example, requires licensees to pay 150 thousand euro for the license annually.

Offshore states offer more favorable terms. For example, to create an online casino in Costa Rica you do not need to enter a nominal capital, there are also no requirements for software, and the founder of the company can be a citizen of any country. There are no taxes as well. The license will cost 12 thousand euro per year.

You will not need to visit the chosen country in order to create a legal entity. Intermediator firms will do everything for you. There are many of them on the Internet, and it will be easy to find one. Such firms will prepare documents for registration, file an application and obtain a license, open a bank account and set up online banking – all this will cost several thousand dollars. On request, these agencies can also rent offices and hire employees.

Hosting and Domain: You Can’t go Wthout Them

Here everything is more than simple.

We offer you some practical suggestions that will definitely help you:

  • give preference to international domains (.com, .net);
  • buy hosting and register a domain only in the name of the company (this is confidential, since all information about the domain owners is publicly available);
  • inform the hosting provider that you are planning to create an online casino.

On the Internet you can find a lot of offers for sale of a turnkey casino. It is necessary to scrutinize such proposals, since in most cases these are companies with bad publicity.

Choice of a Software Vendor

Players need to trust your gambling establishment, so you have to choose the right software vendor. Of course, the software must be licensed. 

What should you pay attention to when choosing an online casino platform:

  • productivity;
  • ability to add new games;
  • interface;
  • specificity of the random number generator.

Online casinos, which offer slots from different providers with an ability to play in browsers, are extremely popular among gamblers.

Connection of Payment Systems

You will need payment systems in order to be able to get money on the deposit account and pay winnings to players. In most cases, clients use plastic cards and electronic payments. Respectable gambling establishments always allow you to withdraw funds on banking accounts.

Casino payment systems

The amount of ways of depositing and withdrawing funds affects the customers’ level of confidence to the casino. If you are focuses on players from different countries, you will need to get a better look at local payment services that are familiar for users of particular regions.

Technical Support

Usually, the developer is responsible for the operability of the software. All the rest you will have to do on your own.

Casino owners need to be the most afraid of hacker attacks. However, professional programmers can help businessmen to avoid possible attacks. You will also have to hire an administrator who will be responsible for adapting new scripts and optimizing the site. In order to maintain corporate identity and resolve other issues associated with the appearance of a web resource, you are going to need a designer.

It is very important to take care of technical support. Give players an opportunity to call toll-free, send an email, leave a request for a call, and write in the chat. Staff of the technical support service can work remotely, but they must respond to any request in a short period of time.

Do not Forget About Advertising and Promotion

You can create an online casino of international standard, but nobody will know about it without promotion. In order to do it you will need to use all available marketing tools.

Casino marketing tools

Offline advertising will only be effective if your brand has already been promoted. To tell the world about your casino it is better to use the buzz marketing: organize events, tournaments, etc.

And it is very important to pay out players their cash prizes in time.

In short, your main goal is to develop an unblemished reputation.


To sum up, we can say that it is rather difficult to create an online casino. However, a correct and carefully thought-out approach will allow you to achieve your goals within a short time. You need serious experience to organize such a business.

In order not to become the creator of another useless gaming club, we recommend you to look through these tips:

  • give preference to offshore zones when you register your business and obtain a license;
  • choose only leading software vendors.
  • form a professional team that will support the work of your website and help players;
  • constantly put up your capital in marketing, especially in the beginning. Pleasure players with prizes, so that in the future your business can succeed and bring real profit.

In order to save your precious time, you can use services of specialized companies, among which we can name, for example, Smart Money. Clients of this company will be able to simplify their lives, order online casino software or get a turnkey casino, which has been created under an individual project.

Specialists of Smart Money also consult their clients on issues that are connected with the gambling business.

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