
How to Advertise an Online Casino

Hans Adrian
Hans Adrian
B2b Gambling Business Advisor & Strategist

Advertising is the engine of any business. In the 21st century, the financial success of an enterprise is almost impossible without marketing. And in the field of gambling, promotion requires heavy expenses since it is necessary to do casino advertising really often, brightly, and even aggressively. This niche has too severe competition.

Casinos have to fight for the attention of potential players not only with competitors but also with bookmakers, poker rooms, and betting houses. Even with land-based casinos!

Fortunately, there is a way to simplify the promotion — to allow specialists to deal with it. Contact the Smart Money team and order the online casino marketing. We provide a wide range of services that guarantee the inflow of new customers.

Is it Possible to do Online Casino Advertising on the Internet?

It is possible and necessary! It is exactly where your audience passes its free time, and it is here that you need to catch it. Another question is how to promote online gambling website without fear of being slapped by the sanctions of search engines?

Indeed, the Google Adwords advertising network prohibits the online gambling advertising. But on the Internet, there is no monopoly, and it is not the only platform where you can promote your gambling establishment.

The Natural Casino Advertising

Before we proceed to a detailed analysis of online casino advertising methods, we will consider one of the fundamental aspects of a successful promotion: the optimisation of the website according to the requests in search engines.

SEO helps the website to reach the top of the search results in Google or Yandex in a natural way. In practice, it means that the website must meet the criteria by which the search engine perceives your website as a useful one, and therefore invites users to visit it.

A good SEO promotion is not cheap. But it is extremely beneficial in the long term. If at the beginning of the existence of your gambling project traffic only has to be attracted through the placement of online gambling adverts, then in the future SEO will allow you to spend less on the casino advert because people will find you and join the game on their own.

SEO optimisation for online casinos

What is included in the SEO optimisation:

  • preparation of content with keywords;
  • competent linking between the sections of the website;
  • placement of links to your casino on third-party resources with a high level of trust;
  • optimisation of the code of pages, etc.

It is better to start the SEO optimisation right after you have launched your gaming site.

In fact, the natural promotion means a wide range of different kinds of work, and only a specialist is able to figure out which of the tools work best, and which ones can’t be used at all.

How to Market a Casino: the Most Effective Ways

There are many casino advertising strategies since you can promote your gambling establishment on thousands of websites, not just on Google, Facebook, and Vkontakte.

We will consider the most popular and profitable casino marketing ideas:

  • advertising in the Google Display Network;
  • promotion in affiliated networks by affiliate programs;
  • advertising in social networks;
  • publications on third-party resources.

Advertising on the Google Display Network, despite the ban on the online gambling advertising, remains one of the most popular casino promotion ideas. The reason is simple — here is the largest audience of Internet users. And it is a bad decision not to try to attract this network to the process of the promotion of your gambling establishment.

Therefore, specialists came up with two ways of how to bypass the ban:

  1. To advertise the casino blog.

  2. To put the redirect on the landing page.

The first method is good since it helps not only to attract new visitors but also to increase their level of loyalty. But its main disadvantage is a long way from the casino advert to a slot game.

Marketers have a golden rule of two clicks, which states that maximum two clicks should separate the user from the product. If there are more stages, the conversion becomes much lower immediately. Therefore, we recommend this method only in conjunction with other methods of the promotion.

As for the redirect, it is riskier. The fact is that you can put advertising on any page, and every user who will visit it will be redirected to the casino website automatically.

This is how you can follow the rule of two clicks but also this is how you can get yourself in trouble in the form of sanctions of search engines. To do it, you need to be very careful and have a vast experience in working this type of the online casino marketing strategy.

Affiliate Programs

Since the direct casino advertising in Google Display Network is impossible, try to contact other advertising platforms. There are many affiliate programs that allow you to place a banner with an offer to visit your gambling establishment on websites with a similar theme.

A huge advantage of this method is a direct hit in the targeted audience. For example, if you place gambling adverts on a page with the personal blog of a player who tracks news from the gambling market, you will know for sure that his followers are gamblers also. Bingo! These are exactly those people who you need.

For the website that publishes such advertisements, it is also profitable since it receives money for each attracted player.

The SMM Promotion for Online Casinos

It is an underestimated method. Very often, owners refuse to do the SMM promotion because it requires the development of an online casino marketing strategy and the attraction of a team of marketers.

SMM promotion for online casinos

But if you look at the pages of famous gambling projects, you can discover a lot of new things. For example, on the page of one of the most famous bookmakers, there are thirty-four thousand followers! And as soon as the information on a new promo is published there, all subscribers will find out about it from the news feed directly.

Usually, there are two difficulties in the promotion in social networks:

  1. It requires the development of a strategy and the team of specialists (whose work also needs to be paid).
  2. It is impossible to estimate the efficiency of the channel immediately since people follow it and then forget about it, and the first revenue can come only in a few months and even years.

Publications on Third-Party Resources

Imagine that someone else's website has written a good review of your casino, and users started to follow the link in this article. This is how posting on forums, blogs and other third-party resources works.

The more the audience trusts the information provided by this website, the better. Therefore, a lot of time needs to be devoted to the choice of the website, its potential assessment, and negotiations. You will have to pay for every link to the casino website that was published.

The method is good for the attraction of new visitors and has a positive influence on SEO. But it works mostly for the future.

The Effective Promotion is a Comprehensive Promotion

It is important to promote online casinos using all tools in complex — do SEO optimisation, negotiate with affiliate platforms, and launch the SMM promotion. Everything is important. And it is even better if it is done by one team, not by different specialists.

Contact the team of marketing experts from Smart Money. The company deals with the online gambling advertising from A to Z, and allows you to start earning money from the first day of the existence of your casino business!

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