
Benefits of Performance Schemes for the Digital Casino Promotion

Hans Adrian
Hans Adrian
B2b Gambling Business Advisor & Strategist

The wagering business is interested in earning a good income through ads. Some operators have entered the market and have not yet acquired a customer base, while others need to increase their revenues. Performance strategies perfectly cope with all these tasks providing great results in a short time.

Online casino marketing: general info

Smart Money experts will gladly tell you about the benefits of this solution, key advertising metrics, and the rules for launching campaigns of this type.

Performance Schemes: Reliable Tools for the Gambling Sphere

It is a rapidly growing digital advertising area. From 2014 to 2021, its capitalisation increased by 60% with an average annual growth of 10%.

The goal of performance promotion is a quick achievement of measurable results. Specific figures depend on the objectives.

For the gambling segment, these are:

  • increase in the number of completed registrations (leads);
  • growth of CLF (client lifetime value);
  • increase in the percentage of traffic from a certain region, etc.

The task of this type of marketing is to work on KPI metrics without additional costs.

Improvement of the image indicators is not the primary goal of promotion, although, in the long run, it can increase the profitability of online casinos. For the performance scheme, the main thing is the growth of business success for the reporting period: 30 days, a quarter, or 6 months.

Features of the approach:

  • performance campaigns are conducted only in the digital environment;
  • planned indicators should be achievable and limited in time;
  • experts use precise tools to track the results (number of clicks, registrations, and played rounds).

Operators can independently create a popularisation strategy or outsource this task.

Performance Promotion for the iGaming Segment: Benefits

The solution has the following advantages:

High efficiency

93% of gambling companies that are using this type of promotion recommend it to others.

Entrepreneurs see that every dollar spent on an advertising campaign brings a specific result. The number of active casino visitors is increasing, as is the profitability of an iGaming project

Focus on business indicators

The solution affects both the main indicators of success (profit) and additional parameters (for example, conversion and the duration of game sessions).

The results can be evaluated in the context of each commercial, ad, publication, or the placed lead

End-to-end control

Careful monitoring of business parameters allows operators to identify the weaknesses of the promotion at the initial stage, quickly make changes and achieve better results in the end

Cost optimisation

Casino owners pay only for those marketing activities that are truly necessary and do not waste their money. Moreover, it is possible to calculate the size of expenses in advance, so as not to start a campaign “blindly”.

The right approach to promotion allows entrepreneurs to optimise their advertising budget and redirect available funds for strategic project development

Key Business Performance Metrics

Casino performance metrics: key features

Let us consider what parameters marketers are guided by when launching an advertising scheme:

Cost Indicators

In the gambling sphere, these metrics are used most often:

  1. Cost of attracting new customers. When developing a promotion strategy, experts predict the expected expenditures, which are later compared with the real indicator. To calculate it, marketing costs (planned/actual) are divided by the number of acquired clients (according to plan/in reality).
  2. Cost Per Action. The cost of following a link, download, lead, sale, application, etc. are distinguished. For the gaming niche, the costs associated with the completion of a target action are extremely important: we mean the registration on a gambling site, making the first deposit, and launching a given number of games.
  3. Return on investment (ROI). It shows how many times the net profit exceeds the promotion costs. If the final indicator is less than 1 or 100%, it will mean that the budget spending is irrational.

Evaluation of the Gambling Platform Effectiveness

Experts focus on the following parameters:

  1. Conversion rate. The metric reflects the attitude towards clients who have completed the target action. Ideally, CR should be equal to 100%, which confirms the high effectiveness of the performance promotion.
  2. The average duration of the game session. It is the time that players spend on the website. This is an important indicator for the evaluation of the chosen advertising strategy. The more time customers spend in an online casino, the higher income the operator gets.
  3. The percentage of users who did not complete the target action. The metric tracks the number of gamblers who left the platform seconds after they visited it or who viewed just 1 page (launched 1 slot in a demo mode).

Customer Metrics in the iGaming Project

You can evaluate how successfully an internet casino interacts with the registered players based on such indicators:

  1. The size of an average bill. It shows how much money a user spends during 1 session, day, or weekend. The larger the average bill, the more effective a popularisation scheme works with the web casino bonus program.
  2. CLV. These are profits earned thanks to a particular person throughout the time of his activity on a gaming site.
  3. Client retention rate. This indicator must consistently exceed 100%. It demonstrates how effectively operators interact with regular casino visitors and whether the e-mail newsletter, loyalty system, and other activities work well within the framework of the chosen business strategy.

Main Marketing Channels

Specialists use only those advertising tools that help entrepreneurs to achieve real and measurable goals in a short time:


A set of actions to attract a solvent audience from such search engines as Google, Yandex, and others. Marketers carry out technical development of the gaming site, fill it with reference materials, and place links on external platforms.

SEO is one of the most time-consuming ways of promotion but it gives tangible results. About 50% of customers visit iGaming resources due to SEO optimisation


Targeting in social media: Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and others. This approach ensures the point spread of information among the target audience, which guarantees high conversion. It is also worth noting that gambling advertising is legal on most social platforms.

Messengers based on Telegram or Viber can be used to launch interactive chatbots, which increases the platforms’ number and the operator's profit

Media advertising

Text, video, and animated ads that are displayed on other websites or in mobile applications.

It is possible to post materials on thematic resources, forums, rating sites, and other marketplaces. Do not forget about the most popular networks for the demonstration of media ads — Google Display Network and YAN (Yandex)

Affiliate marketing

It is often part of a strategy. Operators delegate the authority to promote their gaming sites to affiliates. Partners receive rewards only when they achieve the results specified in the contract.

Usually, entrepreneurs use the CPA method. As for the RevShare scheme, it is not very popular in this type of marketing

E-mail promotion

It helps business owners to improve interaction with the registered customers or those who have previously shown interest in a gaming site (browsed, clicked, or played demo slots).

The solution is characterised by lower costs and good performance (about 10% of attracted users)

Nuances of Launching an Advertising Plan

Casino advertising campaign: launch stages

The creation and implementation of a performance strategy consist of 4 stages.

Collection and In-Depth Analysis of Data

A thorough study of the background information is extremely important when launching a campaign.

Experts are guided by such data as:

  • description of an online casino (licence, catalogue of games, verification details, process of depositing and withdrawing funds, and registration of bonuses);
  • market situation and ads rules in a particular region (competition, trends, expected changes in the legislation);
  • usability of the website (practicality and convenience of the user interface);
  • target audience and ways to attract it to the platform;
  • search results on a given topic;
  • previous popularisation campaigns and their effectiveness.

The collected information is converted into initial parameters (number of customers, conversion rate), which will be used by specialists in the next stages of work.

Goal Setting

Most often, marketers are guided by SMART technology, according to which the tasks should be:

  • specific;
  • measurable;
  • achievable;
  • relevant;
  • time-bound.

Within the framework of a performance scheme, operators can set several tasks, including:

  • business goals (increase in revenues, acceleration of return on investment, improvement of positions in the gambling market: going to the top 5 in terms of specified indicators);
  • marketing goals (increase in the coverage of the audience, conversion growth, improved communication with regular customers).

Each defined task should be converted into specific KPIs: starting and planned. Then, during the advertising campaign, final indicators are added, and experts compare them with the original and expected values.

Creation of a Comprehensive Strategy

At this stage, a media plan is formed. The document should contain the information collected at the first stage and the selected KPIs.

The plan also indicates:

  • main promotion channels, including SEO, SMM, and e-mails;
  • expected results from each promotion method;
  • the order and frequency of popularisation activities (for example, the content of publications posted on social networks);
  • clarifications on creatives (if cooperation with affiliates is provided);
  • total advertising budget with the segmentation by promotion channels, objectives (main and additional ones), and time frame (per month, quarter, or half a year).

Performance Strategy Management

Specialists exercise end-to-end control to make sure that everything goes according to plan and that it will be possible to achieve all goals that were set.

For this monitoring, it will be necessary to use the following analytical tools:

  • Google Analytics, and Yandex. Metrica — bounce rate, level of conversion, time spent on the website, and the number of pages viewed per session;
  • Hotjar, Crazy Egg — the behaviour of gamblers on the platform (played rounds, heat map);
  • Comagic, Calltouch, Roistat — tracking incoming calls (when interacting with technical support);
  • CRM system — financial indicators (average bill, lucrativeness, advertising costs) and communication with regular customers (frequency of access to the site and response to e-mail/bonuses).

It is convenient when the interface provides tools not only for viewing analytics but also for a quick introduction of amendments.

The Main Things about Effective Web Casino Advertising

Such a promotion method is very popular with the owners of iGaming projects.

  • The advantages of the solution are effectiveness, reduction of costs, and the possibility of end-to-end management. Performance promotion is only suitable for the internet environment, and the targets have to be measurable and limited in time.
  • The goals of such a popularisation tool are displayed in planned KPIs, which are then compared to the final indicators. These are the conversion rate, acquisition cost, duration of the game session, the size of an average bill, income, and return on spending.
  • When developing a performance strategy, specialists focus on SEO, SMM, e-mails, media advertising, affiliate marketing, and other promotion channels.
  • The launch of a campaign consists of 4 stages: collection and analysis of original data, goal setting and KPI selection, elaboration of a media scheme, and end-to-end management.

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